In order for the public to participate:
-You study the program
-You visit the places that interest you at the hours open for visit at each one.
-You wait in line so you can attend the guided tour. Priority will be kept according to the time of arrival and new groups will enter the building every once in a while. There is no need for a reservation to be made.
The entrance is free of charge for everyone.
We would recommend to the visitors to be on time at the buildings they are considering to visit, because there will be no guided tours after the written hours and in case of a long queue, there is the possibility they might not be able to take part in the tours.
Visitors are obliged to respect and abide by the rules that every building might have in order to enter (e.g. prohibition of photography, entering without shoes, display of I.D.)
The Contributors of the event have got priority at the attendance of the guided tours.